Milk standardization is important in the dairy industry because it is used to ensure that every consumer gets milk with constant fat content and consi…
Mycotoxins are poisonous fungal metabolites of which, aflatoxins are the most prominent. They are produced when someone ingests fungal-infested food a…
Kjeldahl process of protein content determination involves digestion of the sample in a Kjeldahl digester in the presence of concentrated sulfuric aci…
Before releasing the butter to the market for sale, a team of competent judges conducts a series of tests to grade it. They carry out organoleptic tes…
A positive diagnosis is given when the blood calcium level goes below 8.5 mg/dl (or 2 mmol/l). Incalf cows need to replenish the calcium that the fetu…
Decision making is a meticulously outlined process that involves goal setting, gathering sufficient information and planning the execution plan. Decis…
High temperature pasteurization denatures peroxidase enzyme. The enzyme is more resistant to heat treatment than all pathogenic microorganisms found i…
Quality should be the first thing you think about whenever you set out to make any food product. Ensuring ice cream sanitation during ice cream manufa…
An ice cream is a dairy product produced by dynamically freezing the pasteurized ice cream mix. The components of the ice cream mix include a mixture …